Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Cisco CP (Configuration Professional) and Cisco CP Express

Cisco CP (Configuration Professional)

  • enhance productivity and help network security administrators and channel partners to deploy routers with increased confidence and ease.
  • advanced configuration support for LAN and WAN interfaces Network Address Translation (NAT), stateful and application firewall policy features.
  • the firewall wizard allows a single step deploy of high, medium or low firewall policy settings.
  • IT managers can easily organize and manage multiple routers at a single site.
Cisco Configuration Professional Offers:

  1. One-click rotuer lockdown
  2. Innovative voice and security auditing capabilities to check and recommend changes to router configurations.
  3. Monitor of router status.
  4. Troubleshooting of WAN and VPN connectivity issues.
Cisco Configuration Professional Express Offers:

  1. Basic configuration of router WAN and LAN interfaces.
  2. Hostname, Dynamic Name Server (DNS) and Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) config
  3. User Management for the router.
  4. Configuration of plug-n-play server.
  5. Dashboard, basic troubleshooting and command line interface (CLI) tool.
CCP Express is a GUI -bases embedded device management tool for Cisco Integrated Services Router (ISR). 
It is avail on the flash of the router and used for bootstrapping and basic configurations.

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