Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Opensource ERP Solutions

I think Opensource Enterprise Resource Planning systems such as OpenBravo, OpenTaps, and TinyERP have a lot to offer. Especially the ones which come preloaded with Payroll and Accounting systems. Opensource development is a great opportunity to test systems due to the ubiquitous nature of opensource. Detecting and resolving bugs is quicker.

Ubuntu 8.10 is impressive!!!!

Hi guys i attended the Ubuntu 8.10 launch hosted by Webdev, with a few reservations being inclined to SUSE Linux. However i was quite impressed with the ease of use and installation. It did not take me more than five minutes to get wine up and running through the use of apt-get it was a breeze.

It reminds of the old adage never judge a book by its cover. I have always regarded Ubuntu as an under dog, but with Ubuntu 8.10 i would say guys you are on the right track. I went on to downloading the images from the local repository at work the following Monday.

I prefer SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop Service Pack 2 as i work with it on a daily basis i have grown to love it. Ubuntu 8.10 you stole my heart, so may you please give it back to me soon(lol)!!!

OpenSUSE 11.0 is out now and i am yet to get a feel of it, but i am sure it will is a monster of a system, with few improvements from its predecessor, which works like magic.